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Mandi Holley

Certified Special Needs Life Coach

Hi, my name is Mandi Holley and I am 43 years old.  I live in the Hill Country with my husband and two beautiful girls (2 and 4 years old). 


I first began working with the special needs population 20 years ago when I got a job as a Teachers Aide in a high school special education program.  From day one I knew I had found my calling, I loved it!  I worked at the high school for two years and then transferred over to a vocation program as a job coach where I assisted individuals ranging from 19-22 years old, navigate the community and find jobs.  After two years I knew that I wanted to continue with the individuals after they graduated so I resigned my position and started a business working with them privately.  Well it’s been 15 years now and I have not looked back, I have enjoyed every minute of it!  Over the years my client group has ranged anywhere from 5 to 10 families  and I have cherished every one of them.  We have all grown together and I have enjoyed watching them exceed all expectations as they have gotten  older.  I have assisted them with obtaining and maintaining jobs, staying fit and active, creating and planning social interaction with peers and their community, and provided many respite hours when family members have needed a break or go out of town.  Throughout the years I have assisted these young adults and their families in navigating life after school. They all have their own unique stories and have overcome many obstacles to arrive where they are today. 

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